2024 International Conference on 
  Database, Cyber Security and Software Engineering  
 July 20-21, 2024
 Lisbon, Portugal
About DCSSE 2024
The 2024 International Conference on Database, Cyber Security and Software Engineering (DCSSE 2024) will be held in Lisbon, Portugal from July 20-21, 2024. We will provide a platform for experts in all fields of computer science, big data, database, cyber security, and software engineering to exchange ideas. It will be attended by world-renowned scientists, researchers, academics, industry professionals and graduate students. We do believe your great participation will make our conference success and we would appreciate your participation. We cordially welcome all experts of industry, academia, and government from all over the world to contribute to and help shape this conference through submissions of their research abstracts, papers, and posters. 

This conference will facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration and exchange among technologists internationally. All full paper submissions will be peer reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical and/or research content/depth, relevance to conference, contributions, and readability. The conference will be held every year to make it an ideal platform for people to share views and experience. We are glad to see you in our conference! We will provide a suitable environment and opportunity to discuss new research/engineering achievements on more flexible, robust, sophisticated, and predictive solutions for the existing and coming problems and challenges. On behalf of the organizing committee, we would like to invite all the scientific community to participate in this project, presenting papers or communications related to any of the proposed areas.
Conference Program

Welcome to the DCSSE conference, the following information about the timetable is for your reference only. The outline programme is shown on this page. Actual time arrangement may be a little different according to participant numbers.




1. Maximum poster size is 59.4 CM wide by 84.1 CM high.    

2. Posters are required to be condensed and attractive. The characters should be large enough so that they are visible from 1 meter apart.   

3. Please note that during your poster session, the author should stay by your poster paper to explain and discuss your paper with visiting delegates.

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Conference Schedule

July 20, 2024



July 21, 2024


Speeches of Keynote Speakers




Oral Presentations



Conference Topics
Peer Review Instructions
The works should be original, unpublished, and not in consideration for publication elsewhere at the time of submission to the DCSSE conference and during the review process. We provide double blind peer review for all the material submitted. Some the submissions are rejected without being sent out for external peer review on the grounds of priority, insufficient originality and scientific flaws. A decision on such papers is taken quickly, usually within 1-2 weeks. The remaining manuscripts should be evaluated by two reviewers with expertise in the relevant subject area and by the anonymous program chair of the program committee, usually within 1 weeks. Authors are welcome to suggest suitable independent reviewers.

Once the paper draft was reviewed and corrected draft (if it necessary) after comments from reviewers were received final decision concerning the publishing is made by the program committee usually within one week. The program committee is the competent authority in taking decision(s) on selection or rejection of the manuscripts of all the research/review/similar articles submitted to us. The decision taken by program committee is final in all respects and no further comments or communications from authors in this regard is expected.
Conference Indexing